Student Trustee Recruitment

This is a fantastic opportunity for students who are interested in taking a voluntary leadership role in a charitable organisation which is led by students for students, and who have a desire to help students ‘love student life.’ This is an exciting voluntary role which can be undertaken alongside your studies, helping you to develop valuable skills and increasing your employability, all whilst representing the views of University of Bolton students.


The Process
To apply to be a Student Trustee, please read 'Everything you need to know about being a Student Trustee'  and submit a short statement explaining why you are interested in the role of Student Trustee and what skills you will bring to the role (no more than 300 words).  Email your statement to Janet Galligan, SU General Manager:

The application process is open until midday on Friday 11th October 2024.

We will contact you with the date and time of your interview.


Becoming a Student Trustee is a fantastic way to get involved in the strategic direction of the SU and a great opportunity to build skills and employability. This role is open to all students, but you must be registered at the University of Bolton during the 2024/25 academic year whilst undertaking the role.

Student Trustees who sit on the Trustee Board for Bolton SU have the same rights and responsibilities as the other members of the Trustee Board. However, they will not be involved in the day-to-day running of the Students' Union, rather taking an overview of how the Union is performing both financially and strategically and in delivering services to students.


If you need more information please do get in touch by contacting Janet Galligan, General Manager; for an informal conversation.

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Registered Office

Registered Office: Bolton Students' Union, Deane Road, Bolton, BL3 5AB 
Registered in England Company Number: 8659862
Registered Charity Number: 1153573