We aim to provide a positive experience for all students, staff and visitors and are committed to the provision of high-quality services and activities. We want everyone to be happy with their experience at Bolton SU. However, if things go wrong, we want you to be able to let us know.
If you have a complaint about Bolton SU, wherever possible and safe to do so, we will try and resolve the complaint informally.
Where that is not possible or if you are unhappy with the response, we will resolve the complaint using a formal process that includes a thorough and fair investigation.
To make a complaint, you will need to complete a Complaints Form. Either click this link or call into the SU Office and collect a Complaints Form.
If you have issues accessing or completing this form, please send a message to info@boltonsu.com
We will only be able to consider your complaint if it is related to Bolton SU, and ideally within 14 working days (Mon – Fri) of the incident. Please see our Complaints Procedure for more information.
For complaints about the University of Bolton (including academic matters, or University of Bolton services), you will need to use the University’s Student Complaints Procedure.
What happens next?
If an investigation is still required, we will assign a Complaint Handler and inform you of their name and contact details. The Complaint Handler will tell you how the complaint is to be dealt with.
If your complaint relates to serious criminal behaviour, we may refer the matter to the police or University or support you to do this.
Can I request a review of the outcome?
Both parties can request a review of the decision if:
You must submit your request for a review to j.galligan@bolton.ac.uk within 20 working days (Monday to Friday are Bolton SU's working days) of receiving the decision, unless there is an important reason for being outside this timescale. Your email must state the reason why you are requesting a review of the decision which was made and what outcome you are seeking.
The request for a review will be considered by a Review Panel made up of the General Manager or their nominee, the President or nominee and one further member of the Board of Trustees. They will consider the basis of the complaint as it was originally submitted and the process that was followed.
The Review Panel's decision is final and there are no further review processes.
Registered Office: Bolton Students' Union, Deane Road, Bolton, BL3 5AB
Registered in England Company Number: 8659862
Registered Charity Number: 1153573