We held our first Leadership Conference for Society Officers and Course/School Reps.  The conference highlighted the skills and experiences gained by volunteering as a Society Officer or Course/School Rep, enabling them to showcase their skills and experiences on their CVs.


As part of the Conference, we held a ‘Look after your Mate’ workshop, aimed at enhancing student’s knowledge of mental health and giving them the resources to support each other.   We want to build a community of mental health champions, reducing the stigma surrounding mental health and alleviating barriers preventing people from accessing the help and support they need. 


Course Rep Briefs took place throughout November on Mondays & Wednesdays, helping Reps prepare for their upcoming SSLC.

We celebrated the diversity of religions here at Bolton with a Festival of Faiths.  We had representatives from many religions and a wonderful dancer.


Speak Week took place during November, the topic was AI.  We had volunteers throughout the week asking students on all campuses a set of questions.  We had 456 responses. We will report our findings and recommendations to the University to improve the student experience.


We marked International Men's Day by having a board in the Mall where students wrote about what it means to be a man.  Fort Alice and Endeavour had stands giving out information on men's mental health, physical health and national and local support groups.


We launched our ‘academic misconduct and how to avoid it’ campaign.  We had information boards in the Chancellor’s Mall with multiple drop in sessions via zoom, and in person at the SU office and Orlando Village.  There was also a poster campaign were students scanned a QR code to get information on where to go for help.  

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Registered Office: Bolton Students' Union, Deane Road, Bolton, BL3 5AB 
Registered in England Company Number: 8659862
Registered Charity Number: 1153573